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![🎥 Francis R. Connolly: “From JFK To 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick” [FULL DOCUMENTARY]](,h_110,fp_0.50_0.50,q_95,enc_auto/d3caba_7a62d6fe51c64c778ceb96b3aad45ca9~mv2.webp)

![🎥 PLANdemic 3: The Great Awakening - The State & Fate of America [FREE, FULL VERSION] *Please Share](,h_110,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/d3caba_566de1d4df294fd788df1449c31290b1~mv2.webp)
![🎥 Enjoy The Show! - Exposing CAA, The CIA's Hollywood Control 'Talent' Agency [Full Documentary]](,h_110,fp_0.50_0.50,q_95,enc_auto/d3caba_ee01dc0bda134710a26318afc4c9094b~mv2.webp)

Feb 21, 20234 min read
🎥 Peter Schiff: Here’s Why Inflation Is Going to Get Worse
The central bank and the US government have been creating inflation for more than a decade.
You think it's going to stop now?

Feb 6, 20233 min read
Welcome To the Dollar Death Spiral
It took way longer than it should have. But when it hits, no one will be able to avoid it.

Jan 30, 202312 min read
"The Perfect Storm": More Americans Can't Afford Car Payments Than During Peak Of Financial Crisis
A Surge in nominal auto debt as well as the unprecedented spike in loan rates has finally pushed the US car sector to the point of no return

Dec 28, 20221 min read
The Cost Of Easy Money Is Now Coming Due
Since 2008, we've been in an era of unprecedented money printing & interest rate suppression. Now the cost of that money is coming due

Dec 19, 20221 min read
🎥 Truth vs Narrative: The US Economy is Crumbling at A Record Pace, Near Bottom Worldwide
Compare this to the fluff pieces you see every day on CNBC or Bloomberg. Then you decide who's telling the truth...

Dec 1, 20221 min read
📈Continuing Jobless Claims Hit 10-Month Highs As Layoffs Exploded In November - Biggest Since COVID
It's getting bad out there... Why isn't the mainstream media telling the truth?

Dec 1, 20222 min read
📉"Gloomiest In A Decade" - US Manufacturing Surveys Tumble Into Contraction
S&P Global US Manufacturing PMI 47.7 (Contraction) in November (final), down from 50.4 in October - the weakest level since June 2020

Nov 30, 20225 min read
📈 Why The Definition Of Inflation Matters
Change in definition creates confusion. That's why government officials & the academics who support them have changed what inflation means.

Nov 23, 20223 min read
📉 Bank Runs Are Here: Credit Suisse Craters To Record Low After Staggering $88 Billion Drain
The 2nd largest Swiss bank had staggering bank run in which clients pulled as much as 84 billion Swiss francs, or $88.3 billion USD

Nov 21, 20221 min read
🎥 Truth vs Narrative: Bonds, Yields & The Crashing Economy - Bannon & Cortes
The Globalists’ Plans For Reparations For Other Nations Was Not Even Considered Under Obama Admin

Oct 30, 20221 min read
📉 It's All Crumbling: $2 Quadrillion Debt Precariously Resting On $2 Trillion Gold
The global travelling circus is now reaching more nations. Right on cue at the end of the most extraordinary financial bubble in history.

Oct 30, 20221 min read
📉 Interest & Inflation About to Collapse Carvana & The Used Car Market
An already saturated auto market is crashing by the day under the weight of inflation & interest rates that are spiking at a record pace.

Oct 25, 20221 min read
🎥 The Great Housing Reset is Upon Us
Home prices are shrinking at the fastest pace on record, according to S&P Case-Shiller.

Oct 19, 20222 min read
📈 10 Year US Treasury Rate is Up 208% in One Year
See if you can find another time in history when such a fast rate increase has occurred.

Oct 15, 20221 min read
Americans Are Getting Poorer: Price Inflation Grew Faster Than Wages Again In September
In terms of real earnings, this has been devastating for many wage earners.

Oct 15, 20221 min read
Truth vs Narrative: The Worst Economic Data Seen in Our Lifetimes - War Room 10.14.22
Compare the facts presented here to the narrative from the mainstream. The economy is bad. HISTORICALLY BAD. It's time to wake up America.

Oct 8, 20221 min read
📉 Mortgage Application Pace Plunges To 25-Year Low As Housing Recession Deepens
The pace of mortgage applications has fallen to a multi-decade low amid high housing interest rates, according to the latest data.

Oct 6, 20221 min read
🎥 CRASH! Stock & Bond Markets Down 3 Straight Quarters For First Time in History
Compare the facts here to the narrative from the mainstream. The economy is bad. HISTORICALLY BAD.

Sep 11, 20221 min read
🎥 Household Wealth Suffers Record $6.1 Trillion Drop in 2nd Quarter- Truth vs Narrative: Economics
The lies and deception by the Financial Media has reached a new level of pure dystopian insanity.

Aug 28, 20221 min read
The Recession Deepens: Truth vs The Media Narrative
It's critically important to understand that financial media is nothing more than a propaganda arm of the Central Banks & Wall Street.

Aug 10, 20223 min read
📈 As the Economy Recedes, Credit Cards Explode
Credit card debt soars, as proven by recent troubling data, elevating the already dire risks of this intense inflationary recession.

Aug 9, 20221 min read
Economic Reduction & Inflation Expansion – Everything's Out-Of-Stock & Nothing Is Cheaper
Nothing in D.C. is what it seems, like having lawmakers who work for Americans and the betterment of America.

Aug 8, 20223 min read
The End Game for Silver Shenanigans...
Ultimately, demand for physical bullion – not paper proxies – is the path to ultimately terminating price manipulation.

Aug 7, 20221 min read
📉 The Great Recession: Facts Vs Denials - Americans MUST Navigate The Lies From DC & The Media
The US is facing a VERY serious recession which Main Street feels, Wall Street whistles past, and DC simply denies.
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