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Mar 24, 20223 min read
🎥 CDC, Fauci Know Remdesivir is KILLING People, So Why is America The Only Country Using It?
There’s only 1 thing we've done from the beginning that other countries didn't – Fauci’s death protocol in hospitals using Remdesivir.
Mar 9, 20221 min read
🎥 In New York, 26.9% of Medicare-Aged Patients Who Received Fauci's COVID Remdesivir Protocol Died
Dr. Bryan Ardis: "[Remdesivir] actually causes death of heart cells and is cardiotoxic and can lead to cardiac arrest."
Jan 21, 20228 min read
Two Families Fought Hospitals to Allow Alternative COVID Treatments, Now Their Loved Ones Have Died
2 men on ventilators, 1 in FL & 1 in AZ died within 24 hrs of each other, even as families were still fighting hospitals for alt treatment.
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