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![🎥 Francis R. Connolly: “From JFK To 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick” [FULL DOCUMENTARY]](,h_110,fp_0.50_0.50,q_95,enc_auto/d3caba_7a62d6fe51c64c778ceb96b3aad45ca9~mv2.webp)

![🎥 PLANdemic 3: The Great Awakening - The State & Fate of America [FREE, FULL VERSION] *Please Share](,h_110,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/d3caba_566de1d4df294fd788df1449c31290b1~mv2.webp)
![🎥 Enjoy The Show! - Exposing CAA, The CIA's Hollywood Control 'Talent' Agency [Full Documentary]](,h_110,fp_0.50_0.50,q_95,enc_auto/d3caba_ee01dc0bda134710a26318afc4c9094b~mv2.webp)

Mar 7, 20236 min read
Saudi Arabia’s Quandary: The End of the Petrodollar
A failing dollar will have disastrous consequences for the US. With the advent of BRICS, the end is inevitable.

Feb 21, 20234 min read
🎥 Peter Schiff: Here’s Why Inflation Is Going to Get Worse
The central bank and the US government have been creating inflation for more than a decade.
You think it's going to stop now?

Feb 20, 20233 min read
How A Country Loses Its Currency Reserve Status
The illusion of monetary sovereignty.

Feb 19, 20239 min read
Is the Federal Reserve a British Institution?
Understand what the Federal Reserve is and does but also how it came to become America’s central bank when it’s not even a government entity

Feb 13, 20234 min read
Why 42 States Have Removed Taxes from the Purchase of Gold and Silver
Taxing the exchange of dollars for the monetary metals is an atrocious policy for several reasons.

Feb 9, 202312 min read
The History of Fractional Reserve Banking in America
By engaging in the use of fiat currency under our current banking system, entire societies are submitting to willful debt slavery.

Feb 6, 202311 min read
🎥 Master and Commander: The Collapse of the Central Banking System Has Begun
The Rothschilds are no longer the puppet masters of the most powerful central bank in the world.
Trump is now THEIR master.

Feb 6, 20233 min read
Welcome To the Dollar Death Spiral
It took way longer than it should have. But when it hits, no one will be able to avoid it.

Feb 5, 20231 min read
🎥 Gen Michael Flynn & Dr Charlie Ward Discuss 5th Generation Warfare & The New World Order
Updates on current events in the psychological war from the General who literally wrote the book.

Feb 4, 202316 min read
The History of Central Banking in America
There has long been a class of international money changers who have typically seen themselves as above nations and their elected leaders.

Feb 2, 20237 min read
The Death of the Petro-Dollar: How the End of an Era Might Change Ever
It’s no secret that the global economy is undergoing a seismic shift.

Jan 23, 20231 min read
Media, Goldman Sachs, Blackrock, Big Tech Lay off Workers, Panic About 2008-Style Financial Collapse
The financial sector is giving off “Total Meltdown” vibes.

Jan 22, 20231 min read
🎥 The Great Reset Conspiracy Truth Rapid Fire - Clay Clark & General Michael Flynn
Clay Clark & General Michael Flynn present a thorough, cited explanation of The Great Reset & the players involved in the New World Order

Jan 19, 202314 min read
"Death & Taxes" - The Original Social Engineering Sin
“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.”

Jan 19, 20231 min read
The Quantum Financial System According to Dr. Charlie Ward
The world's foremost expert on the Quantum Financial System Discusses where we go after the crash of the Fiat system.

Jan 18, 20231 min read
🎥 Capt Kyle World Currency Revaluation & QFS With Specialist Rita & Navy Special Ops Tironianae
Capt Kyle discusses RV Revaluation of World Currency & QFS with RV Specialist Rita & Navy Spec Op Vet Tironianae

Dec 28, 20221 min read
The Cost Of Easy Money Is Now Coming Due
Since 2008, we've been in an era of unprecedented money printing & interest rate suppression. Now the cost of that money is coming due

Dec 14, 20221 min read
NESARA: How Debt Forgiveness is Reality - 💊Red Pill Series
One of the most frequent questions about NESARA is about Debt Forgiveness. Which ones will be paid off? Why will they be paid off? How?
Dec 14, 20221 min read
🎥 NESARA Explained Pt1 | The Last 2 Years - Setup | The Great Reset & The Gold Standard
What has happened in the last 2 years, 2020-2022? Is the Great Reset going to happen? Is NESARA a real thing even though I can't find info?
Dec 14, 20221 min read
🎥 NESARA Explained pt2 | Debt & The Red Pill | National Debt & Debt Based Economy
One of the biggest questions about NESARA Law is what will happen to my debts? How will the Fed Die? Won't we have to pay the national debt?
Dec 14, 20221 min read
🎥 NESARA Explained pt3 | Price vs. Value of Money | Fiat Currency - The Gold Standard
How will the Value of the Money change in relation to Price? What is the new currency? Fiat Currency and The Gold Standard

Dec 11, 20225 min read
NESARA? Or Did Banks Voluntarily Give up $15 Billion in Fees?
Banks giving up billions in profits? Signs that NESARA is imminent and we are close to the end of the Global Economic and Information War.

Dec 4, 20221 min read
🎥 How America Converted People to Corporations - Birth Certificates & The Cestui Que Vie Trust 💊
Explaining how the birth certificate is used by the Federal Government to usurp our rights, impose illegal Admiralty law & steal your money

Nov 30, 20225 min read
📈 Why The Definition Of Inflation Matters
Change in definition creates confusion. That's why government officials & the academics who support them have changed what inflation means.
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