July 17, 2022
I wrote this article in the summer of 2018 for my Future of Communications newsletter. Monday 11th July 2022 is the fourth anniversary, and I plan a retrospective. Rather than reproduce the old content and new commentary as one, I am republishing it here as a stand-alone piece. You can also view it at wwg1wga.martingeddes.com. This content is public domain, and you can download it along with other Q-themed essays at onq.martingeddes.com. There is no need to ask me for permission to do anything with it.
“Only small secrets need to be protected. The large ones are kept secret by the public’s incredulity.” — Marshall McLuhan (HT @LionelMedia)

Having applied all of my integrity, intellect and insight to researching the matter, my belief is that we are witnessing right now one of the greatest communications events in history. Indeed, it is arguably the singularly greatest. So, what is this event, and why does it deserves this extraordinary description? The answers are to be found in how the (Western) mass media has been trapped by the most exquisitely constructed double bind.
If I am correct (and many share my view), then it portends the imminent collapse of trust in all mass media services and social media platforms. That is because they are implicated in systemic, widespread and longstanding organised crime—that also encompasses much of our political and financial system. If this is unequivocally demonstrated to be so, then the public will unite in disgust at the media’s treacherous betrayal of its journalistic duties.
On the other hand, if I/we are wrong, then the power of social media and propaganda to create and inflate bubbles of insanity—trapping intelligent people of goodwill—greatly exceeds anything we dared to imagine. The information age will be darkened by having divided society, destroying a consensus reality.
That’s one heck of a story, too! For our culture shall inevitably further atomise, as our bonds of shared values and mutual understanding break apart. So too may the constitutional boundaries—and consequent rule of law—that help to keep the peace.
I have previously written about the #QAnon phenomenon. My assertion is that Q is a military intelligence team in the Trump administration (itself part of a global positive “Alliance”). They are opening up a backchannel with the public, bypassing the compromised mass media, to reach the “anons” and “autists” who hang out on 8chan. There are good operational reasons for choosing this exotic social media platform.
A key purpose of the #QAnon operation is to facilitate a public “Great Awakening.” One of Q’s earliest posts states that “This will be considered the biggest ‘inside’ ‘approved’ dump in American history.” Q is delivering a “soft disclosure” of the end game of a “shadow war” that has been silently raging around us for years. The “drops” expose the present and past crimes and large-scale conspiracies of a transnational negative “Deep State Cabal.”
It is a matter bigger than politics itself, since presidents and administrations of both main US parties stand accused of profound corruption and war crimes. So too does the leadership of many supposed allies, including the British establishment. Once full disclosure happens, the Western public’s trust in their governing institutions will be severely shaken. Q is preparing a small slice of the population to share the load of restoring faith in the rule of law in a post-media age.
As the American Declaration of Independence asserts, when there is such an iniquitous state of affairs, “it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.” We are in the midst of exactly such an event, with worldwide consequences. The present US administration—a de facto military government with a civilian veneer to prevent panic—is engaged in a complete replacement of a “failed and corrupt political establishment.” The process is a patient and judicial one, so as to minimise the risk of violent civil conflict.
As I wrote back in November [of 2017], what is transpiring is a second American Revolution, if not a global “War of Independence” from a psychopathic criminal culture. No thriller or spy novel has ever come close to the tale that is unfolding. You certainly wouldn’t dare to offer this story as fiction, as it would be deemed far too implausible for public sale! I myself am beyond astounded at what is transpiring, and find myself making unexpected new allies, while old acquaintances seek their distance.
“All we can say for sure is that humanity is entering uncharted territory.” — Benjamin Fulford
Many others are having the same stressful experience, as family and friend relationships are strained by vehemently opposing beliefs. Either way, something epic is in progress that affects us all. It will profoundly change how we see each other and the society we live in. For it appears that we have been living under “soft totalitarianism,” complete with a shadow government and power structure, while it is falsely sold to us as freedom and democracy.
If you want to get away with war-for-profit and mass murder, it is relatively easy if you (surreptitiously) control the mass media. While the media’s role is supposed to be to hold power to account, it has instead become a way for those in power to control the public narrative—in a coordinated fashion. The mass media now manufactures distractions and deceptions, being an agent of a vilely corrupt establishment.
Fixing this psychologically abusive system of social control is where Q comes in, with an immaculately designed double-bind. How do you go about undoing decades of manipulation and lies by a media and celebrity class that is compromised to its core? You construct an alternative channel to communicate with the public. Then you work with “volunteer propagandists” of good standing (i.e. people like me) to legitimise and publicise it—denuding the incumbent rival of its power to set the narrative.
Whatever your political persuasion, I consider these to be unquestionable facts on the ground:
The “Make America Great Again” (#MAGA) message got Trump elected to US President against long odds and a powerful set of incumbents. Hence the appeal of #MAGA is broadly held, and not a small “alt-right” view (noting that popularity and probity are orthogonal matters). I, for example, have never voted for a right-of-centre political party.
Trump’s election campaign was run along classic military psyop techniques, and the #MAGA campaign was likely organised by the US military—who were in open revolt following treason by the Obama administration, and wanted to avoid a bloody coup.
The Q subculture is a central plank of the wider #MAGA movement—which is a desire for the rule of law, liberty, and constitutional government. Without Q’s “anon army” #MAGA would lose much of its core support. Therefore Q has clear social and political significance in promoting the policies and actions of the Trump administration.
There is extensive evidence being offered that directly links Q’s “crumbs” to the Trump administration—see Qproofs.com (which Twitter has been caught actively censoring... another story). For example, details of the DoJ Inspector General report, such as the precisely 13 illicit email accounts, were advertised five months in advance. The location and nature of the North Korea summit was also flagged up before any public knowledge existed.
Trump’s own political “brand” is now inextricably linked to the Q movement, since he has consistently offered implicit “confirmation” (and no explicit denial). These acts are in person—such as vigorously pointing out people at rallies wearing ‘Q’ shirts—as well as online through Twitter.
Furthermore, the US military is also implicated, as the DoD, Marines, etc. echo Q’s phrases and emblems. The warriors of the only superpower are visibly aligning to the #MAGA message, having been abused for decades in dishonourable conquests.
Q has gained some limited recognition in the mass media, being consistently dismissed as crazed ramblings of loons and larpers. The most notable example is TIME choosing Q as one of its top 25 online influencers—but damning the whole movement in the same breath.
I have lived and worked in Kansas City for over three years; spent at least five years of my life in the USA; have a brother who lives in California; and slept a night in 30 US states. I find my European friends generally have little real understanding of American culture. Even American ones from the coastal cities seem wildly out of touch with the heartland.
As I have learned more, and done the hard work of fact-checking, my own views have shifted. I once saw Trump as a loud-mouthed billionaire with a colourful history, and the probable lesser of two evils. Now I realise that I was hopelessly wrong—in his favour. I have therefore totally changed my perspective as more verifiable data sources have arrived (with Q just being one of many).
My observation is that many strong political views about Trump and MAGA are underpinned with little experiential reality—being exclusively shaped by the corporate media that serves only its own interests. If my thesis is correct, the mass media’s hostility has a very self-serving purpose: to constantly lie and libel, so as to protect itself from public accountability and painful justice for its institutional criminality.
Given how Q has consistently and accurately predicted major and minor world events, the last bullet above should grab your attention. The catch-22 the media faces is that Q accuses them of complicity to cover up treason, sedition, human trafficking, widespread corruption, false flag terrorism, paedophilia, murder, organ harvesting, and more. (Most disturbingly—even worse—but this isn’t the time or place to go there.)
#FakeNews doesn’t really begin to convey what’s being said here: the mainstream media has become a “mafia media.” There is plenty of historical evidence available to back this assertion up, notably and famously the CIA’s Project Mockingbird. Q points to a number of Congressional documents on how the CIA (a rogue “deep state” intelligence agency) infiltrated the media after WW2.
As former CIA Director William Casey famously said, “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” If you believe that this was an idle boast, or that it was all ended decades ago, then I have yet another mineral and opium war to sell to you.
But it doesn’t stop there. Google, Twitter and Facebook — and by implication the Silicon Valley culture — are all singled out by Q as being corrupt by inception and operation. Q tells us that once the awful reality is known, “some [media] platforms will collapse under [the] weight of [their] illegal activities.”
If Q is indeed a military intelligence operation—and to me, the evidence is overwhelming—the team has access to everything the NSA has ever collected (and that of over a dozen other US intelligence agencies). Q has said ten times: “we have it all.” They know exactly what has been going on: the criminal surveillance state has been turned upon itself. As a responsible citizen, can you in good conscience continue to ignore this?
If the mass media engages with Q, and asks the Trump administration if Q is legitimate, then absolute proof of their crimes will be offered at their own behest.
If the mass media continues to ignore Q, then public outrage will grow as they by association are accomplices to traitors, thieves and murderers as those crimes are revealed.
Either way, the mass media’s credibility and legitimacy is destroyed—until they come clean and/or “flip” to serve the painful truth.
That time is rapidly approaching. Q has even offered a list of compromised journalists who face jail for racketeering. The “deep state” securely sends daily talking points to their media assets at 4am, with closely coordinated stories resulting. Criminals who occupy anchor positions on the daily news are hardly going to be sources of objective coverage of those seeking transparency and truth. If you aren’t outraged yet, then maybe you ought to be!
By covering all of this here, I am publicly placing a large bet, and for a good reason. If what I say is anything approaching reality, then we must unite against this evil, and abandon old divisions. It’s not conservative vs liberal, or left vs right, but criminal psychopaths vs the rest of us. The military, executive and judicial systems cannot transform society and legitimise the outcome alone. The people have to participate, demanding truth and justice, and give their consent to the new system of government.
I feel compelled to use my (rather isolating) “autist gift” to tell you exactly what I see, no matter how queasy it makes you feel. If you all unsubscribe, my clients abandon me, and I am never invited to speak in public again—then so be it! My conscience is clear, and that is what matters to me. If I learned one thing from a childhood in the Jehovah’s Witness cult, it is the fatal loss of freedom you risk from the comfort of the crowd; critical thinking can be a distressing and lonely path.
“Question: What has been your biggest disappointment? Answer: Learning that even intelligent people can be cowards and that courage is a much rarer attribute than intelligence.” — Julian Assange
The good news is that this journey towards collective awareness is already underway, with many upstanding fellow travellers. Its “call to memes” is the inscription from the bell on JFK’s boat—“Where We Go One We Go All” (WWG1WGA). This is a desire for righteous intent and collective unity in order to overcome shared foes. Q regularly reminds us of this catchphrase—although unhelpfully lapsing at times into the fast-fading Red vs Blue political paradigm. This is understandable, given the critical November mid-term elections ahead, but we should look far beyond that.
The sense of our unity—the brotherhood and sisterhood of all humanity—is the antithesis of the ego worship of the psychopath. As such, WWG1WGA is the sacred honour code of loving people against the wicked moral doctrine of “Do What Thou Wilt”. What it offers—possibly for the first time ever—is the prospect of defeating those interests that have knowingly animated the suffering of war, slavery and poverty. For there is no greater prize than to end the racket of war, and this is why the “in history” qualifier is not hyperbole. The sudden progress with North Korea is an example of this not being empty rhetoric.
As Washington, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, and JFK himself have told us, secret societies and dark power—who adhere to this wrongness and perpetuate conflict and tyranny—have held sway over us for too long. My homeland is a soggy European archipelago, and not America. Yet this fight for independence and freedom is everywhere the same, and transcends national boundaries. My loyalty is to all good citizens of this planet, not to parasitical monarchs or power-mad egomaniacs.
Q has made a hard commitment that July is the month when the truth is made manifest, with resolution by November. If these promises are kept, then we do not have long to wait until the lights of disclosure are turned on. The darkness will begin to lose its grip of fear upon us, as we awaken from our induced narcosis.
This means that the next few weeks and months promise to be ones of unprecedented revelation and global revolt. If there is any recent historical parallel, think of the surprise and rapid fall of the Soviet empire, but on a worldwide scale, and without the calamitous fallout. Traumatic—maybe, but troublesome—emphatically not.
The “mafia media” is the last bastion of this “Deep State” organised crime network that has slowly infiltrated and hijacked many critical institutions. Its days are numbered, and the collapse will likely be fast and shocking to those unaware of what is unfolding. For where we all go—they are no longer coming with us. Good riddance and WWG1WGA!
ALL CREDIT: Martin Geddes on SubStack