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What Happens if Kari Lake "Loses" in Arizona?

Updated: Nov 14, 2022

Originally Published: November 4, 2022

Updated November 5, 2022, 9:45pm EDT

Might the White Hats have the election "Red Pill" that America needs to finally wake up?

This is a great take by Kitty Gillespie on a potential outcome on Tuesday night. While many are hoping and expecting the elections will be cancelled, there is another option that still leads us to the military - rampant voter fraud. Voter fraud that is so widespread , so obvious that people like John Fetterman win in PA, while shoe-ins like Kari Lake lose. That would certainly shock the election fraud deniers.

We don't yet have direct confirmation that this will definitely happen. But, we know that there are many paths that lead us to the military stepping in. Kari has been a focus of Trump and the Patriots for a reason.

Kudos to Kitty for the excellent critical thinking and analysis.

November 5, 2022

by Kitty Gillespie | Kitty's Newsletter on SubStack

If there is one outcome from Tuesday’s election that could usher in widespread election reform, this is it.

Kari Lake will lose the race in Arizona.

I hope I’m wrong, But if you’ve been following my Substack for the last few weeks, you’ll know that I’ve been wondering what trigger could wake up the maximum number of normies to the fraud that has insidiously crept into our country’s election process over decades.

The world’s eyes are ALREADY on Arizona because of Kari Lake’s meteoric rise to international fame—but just watch what happens when the race is finally called.

At this point, the whole country “knows” that Kari Lake will win the Governor’s race in Arizona. Even the Las Vegas odds makers are calling it for her.

But not so fast.

Election fraud has been baked into American politics for decades.

I’ve lived in Arizona since 1984. Having grown up in Chicago, where political corruption was blatant and rampant, Arizona seemed to be a breath of fresh air on the political front.

Then 2020 happened, and Arizona got the national spotlight by auditing those election results.

And then—Kari Lake decided to run for Governor.

After leaving her 27-year career as a primetime news anchor on Phoenix’s Fox affiliate, Kari started her campaign in the living rooms of regular Arizonans, listening to and talking with a few people at time. To watch her grassroots events grow in size and enthusiasm over this past year has truly been thrilling.

Caroline Wren, Senior Advisor for Kari Lake, told this story on Warroom today: “People are so excited for change in this state. They are so excited for Kari. I’m with her every day. We’re traveling the state. When we go into a restaurant just to grab some food, every single employee of that restaurant down to the dishwasher to the owner to the waitress comes over to her and says, ‘Kari, you are speaking for ME! Oh my gosh—thank you SO much.’”

It’s hard to think of a better candidate to run for Arizona Governor.

Her common sense approach to the issues, her poise under fire, her fearlessness to speak truth to power, her ability to authentically connect with people through the camera are rare gifts from God.

As the public has become more and more aware of fake news and propaganda—and as more and more people have faced censorship of free speech—who better to take on the Mainstream Media than Kari Lake?

Her brilliant strategy of having HER camera crew stand back from the media throng at pressers has shone the light on how ridiculous the MSM has become.

Her savage responses to mainstream media hacks (who don’t have a clue what it means to be a journalist) have gone viral many times over.

At her core, Kari Lake is a Mama Bear. She’s no stranger to Beast Mode.

This is a woman who will fight to the death about the education of our children, gender confusion, and destruction of the American family.

As a border state Governor, Kari will be positioned to put an end to child sex trafficking and the free flow of deadly drugs across our borders.

That’s why the left has spent millions of dollars in attack ads to shout that Kari Lake is “DANGEROUS TO ARIZONA—and to AMERICA!”

You bet she is.

She will END you.

That’s why I believe Kari will lose on November 8.

The left CANNOT allow her to get into office in January.

Kari’s success on Tuesday will begin the systematic destruction of the drug cartels and sex traffickers who are having their way with our borders—the gravy train for those billion-dollar industries needs to end.

And her success as a Governor might certainly set her up for a Vice Presidential nomination for 2024.

She must be stopped. They can’t allow her to get into office.

There is no doubt that Arizonans by the millions will be voting in person on Tuesday for Kari. No other state has seen the kind of “team stumping” that Kari has done with Mark Finchem, Abe Hamedeh, and Blake Masters. And the messaging to vote STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN down-ballot has been clear and strong from Kari, the GOP, and from DJT.

The “Resident” has already set the table that we should be “patient” with the counting of the votes—because—well— they’re just gonna need enough time to flip the election.

We’re not sure who said it first, but we are learning the hard way that “it’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes.”

I still believe that the Good Guys will take back the House AND the Senate by a wide margin—and that the wheels of justice start to turn once more against the Bad Guys.

But my guess is that we won’t have results for Arizona Governor Tuesday night. Or Wednesday. Or Thursday.

No. It’s gonna take time to declare Kari’s opponent, the feckless and incompetent Katie Hobbs, as Governor of the great state of Arizona.

But since Katie Hobbs, the current Secretary of State, the state official who ensures “election integrity,” is OVERSEEING HER OWN ELECTION FOR GOVERNOR—they’re not worried.

That’s right, folks. Katie Hobbs is the Secretary of State and has not recused herself from her position to run for Governor.

Once that fact gets into the American zeitgeist, it’s all over. Americans will then fully understand how corrupt our election process is and has been, and they will DEMAND a military audit of the results. (We all know “the military is the only way.” It appears that Brazil is foreshadowing what’s to come in America).

One critical thing to keep an eye on: The left can’t JUST flip the Governor’s race. No, THE LEFT WILL NEED TO FLIP THE ENTIRE REPUBLICAN DOWN-BALLOT TICKET in order for the Governor’s race results to be believable.

Ain’t gonna happen.

Get the popcorn.

It’s gonna be a shitshow.

It’s gonna be BIBLICAL.

Like you, I hope I’m wrong.

But we trust the plan.

1 Comment

Nov 06, 2022

I'd check for election fraud.

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