November 13, 2022

Last week, Tucker Carlson of Fox News dropped an earth-shattering truth bomb on the public: Kanye West is NOT the "lunatic" that's portrayed by Hollywood and the mainstream media. Not only is everything that you thought about "Ye" not true, the entire narrative is a giant conspiracy that's been carefully perpetrated by Kanye's own management in coordination with everyone from the music industry moguls to the mockingbird mainstream media.
Why? Because Kanye's been dropping "Red Pills" about the government, media and Hollywood during elaborate in-concert monologues since 2016. And we certainly can't have that, now can we?
And Tucker didn't just speculate. He brought the RECEIPTS - 📺 WATCH (Story Continues Below):
Yup - yet ANOTHER “conspiracy” turned truth. We’re starting to run out of them.
While we’re on the subject… Let's take a closer look at what's going on in media right now. Because, while there's a lot of very warranted hatred towards outlets like Fox news, I do believe there are some very good Patriots operating in all levels of media. As we work to reconstitute our nation and bring a semblence of much needed unity and discourse back to society, we should be careful not to demonize everyone simply on the bases of where they work.
You might not see it yet, but there is a much larger plan at play right now.
Say what you want about Tucker. We can destroy everyone for their past sins or embrace the people that are helping the Patriots cause.
Tucker Carlson has been Red Pilling the s*it out of the sleepers. Respectfully, I don’t want to hear people complain that he’s not telling certain truths yet or that it hasn’t been fast enough.
If you don’t see by now that Tucker, Gutfeld, Bannon, Watters, Jones, and many others are executing a well coordinated white hat script, you’re not paying attention.
Each person, from Tucker Carlson to Alex Jones, Joe Rogan to SG Anon or even (gasp) folks like Phil Godlewski, is staying in their lane, providing a source of truth for each stage of peoples awakening.
The "normies" can find the beginnings of truth with Tucker, Jesse Watters or Greg Gutfeld. It may seem elementary to us, but you all well-know that you have to start very slowly with the red pills. You’re talking about undoing many years of MK Ultra mind control.
It’s a VERY delicate process. those of us in the truther movement know it all too well.
Do you really think that we all “know” what is going on and Tucker Carlson DOESN'T??!?
You think Steve Bannon doesn’t know the truth? He’s never had Trump on his show and he never touches Q, yet he subtly drops 17’s, “the storm”, “Hunters Become the Hunted and many other Q references every week.
Of course they do!
They may be “behind” us in the News cycle, but IMO that’s clearly by design.
Someone has to wait behind for the sleepers.
🎓 While we decode Q drops and listen to POTUS comms, someone needs to teach the 101 level lectures. That’s the job of the Tucker Carlson and Jesse Watters of the World.
🎓 After 101 level is completed, folks advance to level 102: Real Americas Voice, OANN, RSBN. Maybe some electives in The Blaze.
🎓 Level 103: People migrate towards Steve Bannon in the War Room. Additional coursework may include look ins at InfoWars/Alex Jones.
🎓 Level 104: They’ve been heavily Red Pilled by now. The Cognitive Dissonance really starts to set in. No turning back now. Only option is to keep going down the rabbit hole. They move into sources like X22, And We Know and one like them.
🎓 Then any only then, can anyone possibly accept Q and it’s tenets.
🎓 After that, it’s OUR job to carry the torch and lead our spheres of influence the rest of the way.
So you can hopefully now see the brilliance of the Q operation. There are Patriots in place at each “level” ready to take in the next batch of sleepers and start advancing them along the path to ultimate truth. Which, as you all well-know, even we don’t have yet.
We’re just much further along in our coursework.
So, the bottom line is that we can find fault with any human being. I get it. We’re all tired and all a bit paranoid.
Who the hell wouldn’t be!?
Keep your head on a swivel. But don’t go nuts trying to look for everyone in the world with some kind of tertiary ties to the cabal or their operators. If it’s innocuous then move on. We need to start working towards UNITY in spite of our flaws. While people are digging through Tucker Carlsons trash for his old CNN paystubs, they’re forgetting that we are all going to have to begin to accept the Democrats back into our lives. We all know good ones that simply didn’t break out of the Matrix yet. We must not hold grudges against those that didn’t know better and didn’t cause humanity any harm. Our friends, family, neighbors and coworkers.
I explore everyone to think twice before you denounce every true get or journalist in the world that aren’t on your exact wavelength and schedule. There are many more good ones than we know. Everyone is playing their roles. Just like in any military operation.
Q Drop #4648 reminds us:
“There are good people standing behind you.
Have faith in Humanity.”
👆That was written for a good reason. Just like all of them.
This is a 5D, Psychological Information war. There has never been anything like it. It’s absurd to suggest that any of us foot soldiers have the same operational understanding as the people in charge.
We must trust (but verify) everyone from top to bottom. Or the operation fails.
We are talking about reaching billions of people worldwide and pulling them all across the finish line .🏁
They’re all traveling the same journey that was mapped out for us by all of the visionaries, military operators and Anons that came before us.
We cant move forward without the bulk of the people.
Remember we need good people from start to finish to help everyone reach the new world.
Be thankful there’s good people at every step of the way.
~End Rant~
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