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The Greatest Fraud in Human History - Commentary

November 20, 2022

Originally Published by CaptKylePatriots on Telegram

In order to grasp the enormity of the perpetuated crimes and fraud all people have been subjected to, it is important to note that most of it has been accomplished through the corporate banks and government services corporations, fraudulently presented to the people as being legalized banking institutions and so called ‘elected governments’, which, instead of serving the people, are simply hired contractors of the British Crown in the City of London.

All these corporations are owned by foreign “Bloodline” families. They are private corporations, most of them franchisees of the privately owned Bank of London, located in the City of London, which is a private Khazarian Mafia nation-state with its own ambassadors and police force. The City of London is not part of the UK and doesn’t pay taxes. The Rothschild Banking family ran covert malpractices to extract illegally enormous amounts of money, with which they bought the UK. They have since expanded their private central banking kingdom and have become the functional head of the Khazarian Mafia, the World’s leading Organised Crime Syndicate. It is known that the Rothschild private central banking system is international, and functions like an octopus with many tentacles. The only reason people pay taxes, is because the Criminal Rothschild Banksters have transformed each country into their own police state, with their “bought” judicial systems, rendering them the ability to use their unbridled power of the boot in your face, with threatened imprisonment to enforce compliance.

It is of the highest priority to root out these criminals and imposters responsible for all of today’s misère in the world. These banks and governments are all foreign Khazarian controlled corporations, contractors, and agencies that are responsible for the mismanagement of a greater part of the world.

An inconceivable high-level of fraud has engulfed the world over the past couple of hundred years, in particular perpetrated by the criminal banks and governmental services corporations, with their extended tentacles to the farthest corners of the globe. This vast criminality cannot be eradicated by the efforts of one, or even thirty nations, as these crimes have been replicated in almost all countries throughout the world, with the same results.

This colossal affair must be addressed as a global issue and resolved in favor of the people, because the people have not authorized, nor benefited from these criminal activities caused by these Central Banksters and their corporate affiliates. All people have been victimised throughout the world through these wrongdoings and fiduciary trust fraud on an inconceivable scale.

The Illuminati use pedophelia to blackmail and control their puppet- members, the revelation of which has rendered the masses in denial. As lies are more credible than the truth. In the meantime, corruption and sexual abuse are abounding and no one mentions the involvement of the Jesuits and the Freemasonry.

The legal system and police are comprised, and fully complicit in subversion of civilization. The masses suffer from the Stockholm syndrome, and hope the psychopaths won’t harm them if they keep their heads down and play along. Fully devoted in their enslavement, people are too corruptible, cowardly or dumb to face reality, as the slaves are taught daily to love their slavery!

Think about; The acts being committed by Deep State cronies against the Western world at large, these are acts of treason during a time of declared war – implemented after 9/11 by the Bush jr. administration. Therefore, it would be no coincidence that President Trump, as Commander-In-Chief, has deliberately funded the Pentagon with its most gigantic budgets ever. Because, the Pentagon has agreed to run the military arrests of deep state traitors, under Trump’s direction, that now secretly is being executed.

The global financial market correction could continue during the coming weeks, as more GESARA-related changes are made around the world. All people should now be waking up to the realization that they are mind-controlled by the establishment. The centuries-long tyrannical regime is steadfastly reaching its end, and must be destroyed for once and ever. No more lies and manipulations. All markets will be freed, all aspects of lives are being freed from oppression and suppression. People will take responsibility for their own lives and decide for themselves.

There is no overpopulation, no global warming, there is enough food for everyone. It was President John F. Kennedy in the early 1960s who already warned us about our hidden rulers. He was a most honorable and courageous statesman. It’s time to wake up and stand up, as brothers and sisters together.

All future generations and their children must be informed so that similar criminal evils do not happen to them again. Only continued civil vigilance can prevent the return of these criminal money thieves.



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