May 5, 2023
The Great Awakening represents all that is good with America, Patriotism and humanity worldwide. However, as with anything in life, nothing truly great happens without some degree of difficulty and pain. As we move further and further into the process, millions are waking up to the very difficult reality that virtually everything we have ever been told has been manipulated or an outright lie. My goal with this platform has always been to publish truth as I discover it myself during my own awakening process. As such, I recently came across an excellent list of documentaries that have been instrumental in helping us understand the truth about the world we live in. More can be found in our Documentaries Page (please excuse any duplicates). As always, I encourage everyone to SHARE this with anyone that you feel will find this information helpful.
16. Dr. Emoto’s Water Experiment - Positive Energy & Negative Energy are real. Practice it. (6-mins)🔥
36. Ring of Power 1: Empire of the City (correcting History Ancient Egypt > 911) (5-hour Doc) (2008)🔥
May God bless you and keep you safe for all your hard work and especially giving it for free. From another truther in Britain.
Thank you so very much for doing this.. I sent it out to my friends and family
Thanks for these critical videos and all of your work towards informing True, legal Americans, Living Woman and Men...