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STUDY: Covid Vaccine 6 Times Riskier for Teenage Boys Than Covid Itself

By Human Events Staff | September 17, 2021

According to a new study, teenage boys are six times more likely to suffer from heart problems after receiving the vaccine than be hospitalized due to complications with COVID-19.

Indeed, children who face the highest risk of a “cardiac adverse event” are boys from the ages of 12 to 15 after being fully vaccinated.

The study looked at Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

As reported by The Telegraph, via Sharyl Attkisson, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization in the United Kingdom delivered a verdict last week saying that the “margin of benefit” of vaccinated 12 to 15 year olds was “considered too small,” citing the low risk for healthy children.

Evidence from studies show it is unlikely for boys to suffer either heart problems from the vaccine or be hospitalized from Covid based on current hospitalization rates.

The second highest rate was among boys aged 16-17 (94.0 per million) followed by girls aged 16-17 (13.4 per million) and girls aged 12-15 (13.0 per million).

Meanwhile, the risk of a healthy boy needing hospitalization from Covid-19 in the next 120 days is 26.7 per million. This means the risk they face from heart complications is 6.1 times higher than that of hospitalization due to Covid-19.

SOURCE: Human Events


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