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Russian FM says Ukraine events an attempt by the West to establish a new world order

March 23, 2022

During a speech at MGIMO, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, what is happening in the world right now is “not only and not so much about Ukraine,” but rather an attempt to establish a new world order.

“What is happening now in the world, of course, is not only, and not so much about Ukraine, it is about attempts to form a new order,” Lavrov said, Russian media reported.

He added that the West “in a narrow circle” writes rules that “pass out as the ultimate truth and require everyone to comply with these rules.”

According to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Ukraine was created as a tool to contain Russia.

“And in terms of the Russian direction of NATO policy, Ukraine was chosen as an instrument for suppressing Russian independence… For this Ukraine to be an effective deterrent, it had to become anti-Russia, as our president recently formulated, and in this sense, neo-Nazism was planted and encouraged there,” Lavrov said during a meeting with MGIMO students and teachers.

According to Lavrov, the ultimate goal of the West is the restoration of a unipolar world, as reported by Izvestia.

“There is no doubt that one of the rules that the West wants to implement is the containment of any competitor. Now here is Russia, China has been declared next, or all this will happen in parallel. And the goal of this rules-based world order is nothing less than the complete revival of the unipolar world,” Lavrov summed up.

SOURCE: Insider Paper


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