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Rampant shoplifting forces Walgreen to close 17 stores in San Francisco

As per San Francisco Chronicle, Walgreen Pharmacy closed 17 stores in San Francisco in the last five years. At least ten stores have shut down since 2019. And the reason? "Out of control" shoplifting!

Walgreens is blaming the lowering penalties of theft under $950 in Proposition 47 as the reason behind a drastic increase in shoplifting across the city over the last several years. The authorities lowered the penalties to 'nonviolent misdemeanor' with a maximum sentence of 6 months.

Liberals and social justice advocates support Proposition 47, which has allowed professional shoplifters, drug addicts, and the homeless to exploit the system's loopholes and steal within the monetary threshold.

Walgreens spends 35 times more on security guards in the city than anywhere else, as the thefts at Walgreens are four times the average for other stores across the country.

Walgreens San Francisco Supervisor Ahsha Safaí told the Chronicle that because of the rampant shoplifting,

"People are scared to go into these stores — seniors, people with disabilities, children. It's just happening brazenly."

What are the democrats doing to curb the prevailing chaos in their states?


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