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Putin-Merkel Agree Mysterious “Great Reset” Deaths Linked To Prince Charles “Not Coincidence”

April 14, 2021

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

In order to better understand the significance of a new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today, whose initial part of the transcript reveals an amazing exchange between President Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel during their telephonic conference yesterday,

During this exchange President Putin and Chancellor Merkel discussed at length “The Great Reset” agenda put forth by the socialist-globalist faction at the World Economic Forum—and in the most astonishing exchange between them this transcript shows: Merkel: “Prinz Charles hat einen anderen verloren…”—Putin: “Das macht zwei…”—Merkel: “Der erste war sein Favorit, weißt du…”—Putin: “Ja, ich wurdeinformiert…”—Merkel: “Dies ist kein Zufall…”—Putin: “Das wissen wir auch”.

The transcript of this exchange is in both Russian and German, and because it notes President Putin and Chancellor Merkel are speaking German, this gives the best account of what they’re saying—and in English shows: Merkel: “Prince Charles lost another one...”—Putin: “That makes two…”—Merkel: “The first was his favorite you know…”—Putin: “Yes, I have been informed…”—Merkel: “This is not a coincidence…”—Putin: “We know that too…”.

The context surrounding this remarkable exchange between President Putin and Chancellor Merkel sees Prince Charles being a main proponent of “The Great Reset” socialist-globalist agenda—two of whose staunchest socialist-globalist allies for this agenda were Britain’s richest man Sir Richard Sutton, and Petr Kellner, the wealthiest man in the Czech Republic—with Prince Charles having first met Kellner when he visited the Czech Republic in 1991, and in 2009, saw Prince Charles leading the effort to select Kellner as a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum.

A fortnight ago, on 27 March, it was reported that Petr Kellner was killed in a mysterious helicopter crash in Alaska—then yesterday it was reported that Sir Richard Sutton was mysteriously stabbed to death at his home in the west of England—mysterious deaths that have now been joined by the news that the father of Prince Charles, Prince Phillip(the husband of Queen Elizabeth II) died in hospital at the age of 99.

The significance of President Putin and Chancellor Merkel both agreeing that the mysterious deaths of close Prince Charles socialist-globalist allies Sir Richard Sutton and Petr Kellner are not coincidental is monumental—specifically because it strongly suggests that these deaths are targeted killings sent as a message to those advocating for “The Great Reset”—and as one would expect to occur, as this socialist-globalist agenda seeks to remake the entire world, and whose powerful forces opposing it will never allow it happen—which is why President Putin warned these dangerous idiots at the World Economic Forum that the path they’re walking on is exactly like the one used in the 1930s, that predictably led to World War II. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]


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