March 24, 2023
By Charlotte Hazard | Just The News
NewsTreason Commentary: Earlier this week I posted the below video from Lt Col Riccardo Bosi of Australia, discussing the Trump "arrrest" narrative and how it Predictively Programs the masses for the coming arrests of traitors like Obama, Clinton and Bush. just days later, the Deep State-friendly Daily Beast calls for the arrests of Bush & Cheney as war criminals? You can't make this stuff up... There's no doubt that the stage is being set.
The article continues:
The left-wing media outlet The Daily Beast published an opinion piece that called for former President George W. Bush, former Vice President Dick Cheney and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to be prosecuted, especially if Trump is going to be charged for alleged campaign finance violations.
"Trump should be charged, but it is absurd that he is facing the possibility of arrest for paying hush money to a porn star while war criminals like George W. Bush walk free," Daily Beast writer Ben Burgis wrote.
Burgis refers to former GOP President George W. Bush as a war criminal and says he should be prosecuted for lying about "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq.
"If you knew someone who came home to the United States in a flag-draped coffin because of this transparently absurd patchwork of lies, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and the rest of the war-planners did something to you that can never be redeemed," he wrote.
Burgis said he wants Donald Trump to face consequences if he broke the law, but says there needs to be accountability for other elected officials who he believes committed much worse crimes.
"Exempting current and former presidents from prosecution for even comparatively petty crimes should be offensive to our sensibilities as free people," he wrote. "Other presidents have done worse and not been indicted. Bush is just one in a long line of law-breaking presidents who haven't faced justice."
A grand jury in Manhattan solicited testimony from witnesses, including disgraced former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, who alleges he arranged payments in 2016 to two women to silence them about sexual encounters they claimed to have had with Trump a decade earlier.
Trump predicted last week he could be indicted and arrested, but that has not yet occurred.