July 10, 2021

According to a recent poll published last week by Rasmussen, nearly half of Americans believe that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.
The polling company shared data on Friday providing insight on where Americans stand on the issue of election integrity and how they believe it has affected the most recent general election.
When asked if cheating had an impact on the results of the 2020 presidential election, 51% of respondents said it was “very or somewhat likely.” When divided by political affiliation, only 30% of Democrats agreed that cheating had an impact, while 74% of Republicans believed that it was likely that cheating helped Biden get to the White House.

When broken down by race, the research shows a much smaller margin was found. 51% of White voters and 49% of Black voters concurred that the election was possibly tampered with. Similar results came from “other/non-white” voters, of whom 56% agreed.
Unaffiliated voters were split nearly down the middle with 51% agreeing that cheating likely affected the 2020 election results.
Voter fraud has been a hotly contested topic since November when several anomalies occurred during ballot tabulation. For example, in Michigan, election officials were reportedly seen covering up windows at a Detroit absentee ballot-counting center. An event that fueled accusations of corruption and possible voter fraud. Just hours later, Joe Biden was declared the winner in Michigan – a state President Trump won in 2016.
Dozens more examples of voter fraud have sparked nationwide concern that our voices are being silenced by those willing to steal elections.
Source: Right Side Broadcasting