April 10, 2022

The Hunter Biden laptop snowball thrown by the NY Post in October 2020 reports looks like the beginning of an avalanche.
Legacy media are beginning to acknowledge the laptop story they initially dismissed as a Russian disinformation effort is news. Of course, “The Washington Post” and “New York Times” coverage is being published more than one year after the general election. The bombshell revelations of lucrative business dealings between Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, and foreign businesses and government agents may have changed the result of the 2020 election.
President Donald Trump may have secured his reelection if the story was pursued with anywhere near the vigor shown the so-called Russian collusion hoax believed to be concocted by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
Legacy media uniformly dismissed the New York Post report as a nothing-burger and candidate Biden was never grilled about his family selling access to the White House.
The lingering grand jury investigating the president’s son and other media continued their pursuit of the matter’s truth. Now, a few mainstream outlets are publishing limited accounts of the laptop story.
Twitter recently joined the list, which was noted by independent journalist Glenn Greenwald — who helped publish Edward Snowden’s report of U.S. Government agencies spying on Americans.
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“Twitter founder Jack Dorsey apologized and admitted it was wrong for Twitter to have censored any mention of the story,” Greenwald said in a Twitter post. “The WPost this week called for a media “reckoning” over what they did.”
“Beyond those 2, they all let their lie stand to this day.”
NPR Reporter Laura Sullivan chastised her employer — again — in a comment to Greenwald’s post. Sullivan originally called out NPR in an October 2020 tweet.
“Really love it when managers make our jobs harder. I don’t know if that’s #HunterBiden’s laptop or what’s on it, but it’s certainly not a ‘waste of time’ to find out,” Sullivan said. “@NPR managers better hope that laptop was built out of an old Russian blender in Ukraine.” Her comment was a caption to a retweet of an NPR explanation about their decision to ignore the laptop story.
“We don’t want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories, and we don’t want to waste the listeners’ and readers’ time on stories that are just pure distractions,” explained NPR Managing Editor Terence Samuels.
The Post’s 2020 report said the laptop believed to be Hunter Biden’s contained many emails concerning Ukrainian energy company Burisma and dealings with China companies.
“In addition to the over $4 million paid by Burisma for Hunter Biden’s and Archer’s board memberships, Hunter Biden, his family, and Archer received millions of dollars from foreign nationals with questionable backgrounds,” concluded a Senate committee.
SOURCE: Resist The Mainstream