October 29, 2022

MASSIVE statements from Russian Permanent Representative to the the UN pertaining to the US Biolabs in Ukraine. It appears that a formal investigation is inevitable.
Today United Nations Security Council (UNSC) carried out debate on the possible enactment of Article VI of the Biological Weapons Convention, which would be an investigation into the United States and their Biolabs in Ukraine.
Russia presented their final draft to the the UNSC today, covering all of the evidence compiled in their dossier, and it is currently being reviewed by experts from the various nations. The contents of the dossier include the evidence presented over the course of the past 8 months.
Hunter Biden’s Metabiota, Black and Veatch, negligence of deadly pathogens, drones equipped with aerosol canisters to disperse airborne water particles containing pathogens, aerial release of infected mosquito armies, all of it.
All of the allegations brought forth over the past 8 months via the Special Military Operation in Ukraine are in the draft. These allegations are not new for those who have been paying attention, this is just an accumulation of all the evidence being presented at once. It’s a great review and complete of the exact crimes alleged.

However, something that is new, is the timeline. Russia had some interesting comments pertaining to when they expect some progress via a “relevant report” from the UNSC and their commission “no later than November 30, 2022”. The same time as the Ninth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Treaty.
“We expect that the commission would manage to clarify all circumstances of Washington and Kiev’s possible non-compliance with their obligations under the BTWC in the context of biolaboratories’ activities in the Ukrainian territory with a view to stimulate the American and Ukrainian sides to remedy the outstanding intolerable situation. We also expect that the commission would present a relevant report on the issue containing recommendations to the Council no later than November 30, 2022 and inform the BTWC states-parties of the results of the investigation at the Ninth Review Conference to be held in Geneva on November 28 - December 16, 2022.Russia will articulate its further approach to ensuring national, regional, and global biological security depending on the results of the consideration of our complaint and the draft UNSC resolution. The outcomes of this work will also define our position with regard to the strengthening of the BTWC and resolving the situation with violations of the BTWC by the US and Ukraine in the context of the activity of US biolabs on the Ukrainian territory.”
In conclusion, Russia have proposed these allegations via the proper diplomatic channels, presented their case in a convincing and consistent manner, conducted themselves with transparency, while the US/NATO have simply cried “disinformation” the entire time.
This performance has generated a lot of global support for Russia and generated doubts about the US and the West. Not only is the leadership of the US under scrutiny, they are alleged of the most severe crimes against humanity known to international law.
I don’t know how it will unfold, but this is the highest diplomatic channel on the planet, and if it works as it is supposed to, the top Deep State players will soon be under international investigation for violating the Biological Weapons Treaty. If found guilty, the response would be international military tribunals.
When the sheep are made fully aware of this, this will be an extinction level event for the DNC and thus the Deep State.