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FBI report warned of ‘war’ at Capitol, contradicting claims there was no warning of looming violence

We were told that President Trump incited a violent "insurgent" "mob" to "attack" Capitol Hill. We were told "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." Were words meant to "stir anger over false claims of election fraud"

We watched live as ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter activists seemingly entered the Capitol with ease. Some footage even showed Capital Hill Police even opening gates for the terrorists. The insurgents curiously managed to make the 20 minute walk from the Elipse to Capitol Hill and still arrive before Trump even completed his speech.

We listened as the talking heads at CNN, MSNBC and even Fox used eerily similar buzz words and ask the same questions of the severely undermanned Capitol Hill Police. "How could officials be so woefully prepared when they knew to expect hundreds of thousands of Trump supporters. It was almost as if their reactions were.....well...scripted.

So I said everything else is taking place in the recent weeks, let's have some questions. Why was capital police so under prepared? After all, having massive crowds march on Capitol Hill, the Supreme Court, or the White House is common for Washington DC as New Year's Eve in Times Square is for New York City. They didn't just get caught with their pants down.

In the aftermath we have come to learn that the FBI had issued an explicit warning that extremists were preparing to travel to Washington to commit violence and “war,” according to an internal document reviewed by The Washington Post that contradicts a senior official’s declaration the bureau had no intelligence indicating anyone at last week’s demonstrations in support of President Trump planned to do harm.

So if they were warned, why then did Democratic mayor Muriel Bowser send a letter declining federal assistance just 24 hours before the "Save America" rally began? Was Bowser instructed by someone to stand down? It certainly appears as so... Here is Bowser's letter.

And as the morning unfolds, multiple reports indicate that Washington DC has gone into lockdown:

- Residents were instructed to stock up on food and water

- Businesses, including indoor dining must close

- Parking garages are on lock down

- The entire DC Mall, 2 miles long, is closed to the public. For a week.

- Air BNB has been ordered to cancel all reservations for a week.

- Barricades have been erected around the Capitol & Mall

- More than 20,000 armed troops are now occupying DC

- Troops have standing orders authorizing the use of lethal force

So the question remains. If no one is allowed in DC for the inauguration, why these precautions? Perhaps it's because this is not going to be the inauguration that we expected. Joe Biden will not be the President of the United States come January 20th.


Post: Blog2_Post
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