George W. Bush signed 6 executive orders on his first day in office. Donald Trump, one. Biden? 17 and counting. Most of which the overwhelming majority of Americans, including his own voters would oppose.
Such as putting a freeze on the extension of the buy American program. This particular clause dictates that federal funds given to a state, must be spend on goods and services from American vendors. Seems fair enough, right? Not for the Biden ministration.
The Trump administration extendEd the reach of “Buy American” rules;
🇺🇸The Trump administration issued executive orders in April 2017 to limit exemptions or waivers to “Buy American” rules and in January 2019 to ensure the rules apply to loans, grants, and other federal domestic assistance programs (which, to a large degree, they already did). The Trump administration also issued on January 19, 2021, a final rule to increase the percentage of U.S.-made content that an end product must contain in order to qualify under “Buy American” rules. It also increased the price evaluation preference—the premium allowed a U.S. supplier to win a contract over cheaper non-U.S. competitors—under the Buy American Act (see further details from Wiley Rein LLP here). That rule is now subject to a regulatory freeze.