January 22, 2023

Are you tired of the propaganda, the dog n' pony show podcasters and journalists, the all 'chest air and no brain matter' "experts" who are only experts at 'Ring Around the Rosie' with your pocketbooks, emotions, and peace of mind?
Let me introduce to you my extensive yet simple Blueprint of how Donald John Trump is still Commander-in-Chief by Article II of the Constitution, Military Laws, Orders, Regulations, and Federal Laws, Orders, and Codes.
Opinions and Perspectives do not debunk Laws and Orders. Revised and Revoked Laws and Orders do... unless there's a Strategic Covert Operation (planned and controlled) plus a Continuation of Government Plan (planned and controlled) in place... as there is.
Timelines and Timestamps do not lie, but you must know the starting point in order to understand where we are today. Too many want final results without putting in the work or fighting for it.
The saying "You don't realize how great your Freedom is until you're about to lose it"... is hitting home to many people right now.
Better start understanding your Foundation, History, Laws and Orders. They're ONLY why you're here in this Country.
🗺️ The Blueprint:
Law of War Manual: signed June 12, 2015. Put together by Military and Federal Lawyers who took the Lieber Code 1863, Hague Conventions, Geneva Conventions, and Nuremberg Trials, plus the Law of War Manuals: United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Germany, and combined those strengths to strengthen the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which is Military Law.
Law of War Manual:
Donald John Trump comes down the famous Escalator to announce his Candidacy for the 2016 Election. June 16, 2015.
The Military Justice Act of 2016 is the first piece of paper in the United States History clarifying our Founders establishing the Military first. The Military was established first in our Nation before the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
The Military is separate from everything else. The Commander-in-Chief is a separate Role, Duty and under a separate Law, Military Law, and our Founders confirmed such in Article II of the Constitution.
First paragraph of the MJA2016: "The Supreme Court has called military justice a system of justice separate from jurisprudence in the civilian courts. Members of the Armed Forces are subject to rules, orders, proceedings, and consequences different from the rights and obligations of their civilian counterparts. Accordingly, it might be said that discipline is as important as liberty interests in the military justice system. The Constitution specifically exempts military members accused of a crime from the Fifth Amendment right to a grand jury indictment, from which the Supreme Court has inferred there is no right to a civil jury in courts-martial."
The Military Justice Act of 2016:
CIC Donald Trump 2016 Campaign Optics:
“Never again will we announce to the public what’s happening with our Military… if the public finds out, guess who else does? If you want to know, you can join.”
Same night:
“Who’s going to back and support me? I have over 200 Generals backing me right now.”
200 Generals ≠ Individuals.
200 Generals = Divisions.
Federal Continuity Directive 1 aka Continuity of Government (COG):
This was signed January 17, 2017... 3 days before DJT took office.
January 20, 2017, at DJT's Inauguration... There were two Military Officers standing behind him aka Optics.
Their headbands were:
- Military Intelligence
- Judge Advocate Generals
Federal Continuity Directive 2 aka Continuity of Government (COG):
This was signed June 13, 2017.
Donald John Trump DECLARED 7 Executive Orders with National Emergencies:
Executive Order 13818:
This is the first with a National Emergency: December 20, 2017.
Executive Order 13848:
Executive Order 13851:
Executive Order 13873:
Executive Order 13882:
Executive Order 13894:
Executive Order 13936:
Two Verbal National Emergencies in March 2020 followed by:
Executive Order 13912
10 United States Code 1209
This is how and when DJT Federalized 1 million National Guard to Active-Duty.
How do you or would you know?
There's National Guard Aircraft out of their states and Country every single day and they’ve been consistent the same ever since this date.
I have thousands of pictures documented and posted on all social media platforms as well to bring you up to speed.
The only way they can be out of their states and country 🟰 When they have been Federalized.
The only who can Federalize to Active-Duty is the President.
👉🏻 10 US Code 12406:
§ 12406: Currently authorizes the President to call National Guard units into federal service in the event:
(1) U.S. territory “is invaded or is in danger of invasion by a foreign nation[;]” (2) there is a “rebellion or danger of rebellion[;]” or (3) the President is unable with the regular forces to execute the laws.
Now apply 1 and 2 with Executive Order 13848 and the Optics I’ve provided with it in multi-layers.
The ONLY President who has Federalized the National Guard to Active-Duty is Donald John Trump and he did so in the Executive Order and is listed in the 10 US Code 1209… which is still active 💯✅
Executive Order 13885:
In 2019, he established the National Quantum Initiative, that became the National Quantum Act, Public Law 115-368.
👉🏻 Quantum.gov
If Executive Order 13885 is revoked... Why is Quantum.gov still active with a January 6, 2023, National Quantum Initiative Supplement to the "President's" Fiscal Year 2023 Budget wIth MANY revisions on the National Quantum Initiative Act (Public Law 115-368)?:
Continuity of Government. 💯✅
Then he established and signed the Abraham Accords, introduced in August 2020 and signed on September 15, 2020.
Better known as the blueprint for Peace in the Middle East.
Abraham Accords:
Accords Signature by DJT:
Then came the Federal Mission Resilience; in Executive Order 13961, on December 7, 2020... which is still active, not revoked or revised.
Executive Order 13961:
National Continuity Policy as listed in 13961:
Continuation of Government. 💯✅
Look at the title of this...
👉🏻Reconstitution of the Executive Branch, January 2021.
Reconstitution of Executive Branch:
January 6, 2021: 4 years into the Military Operation and Continuation of Government; the last tweet by CIC Trump was:
"I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Part of Law & Order -- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!"
The District of Columbia is a Foreign Territory. The "J6ers" who took their happy asses into the Capitol Building of a Foreign Territory... clearly didn't listen to the man who they were in D.C. for in the first place.
Two, they walked into the middle of a planned Operation. So, not only trespassing, but also interfering with a Strategic Operation.
See what happens when you’re not following and paying attention to what actually governs the land when good people are in charge?
99% of American’s fell for the distractions of January 2021… when the Reconstitution portion of the Federal Continuity Directive 1 (Continuity of Government ≈ COG) is open source for everyone to have known what’s ACTUALLY going on.
Checkmate, the Military ✅☠️🤣
Maybe if Americans would not wait until the last minute to "fight" for the Nation they 'claim' they'll "fight" for if they had to… and fight to maintain versus fight not to lose it…
Maybe if Americans would stop "letting Congress do what they're paid to do" when they're paid to work for US...
So it MIGHT be in the best interest to understand Laws and Orders of which they're to be writing, passing, and interpreting…
Maybe if Americans would have been paying attention to what is and was going on via Laws and Orders that govern this Land, plus understanding Military Operations, Laws, Orders, Codes, Regulations, and Terminology, we wouldn't have to reach the depths we've reached to have to need or use a controlled Covert Operation or Military Operation period.
This is ALSO why it's prevalent to pay attention while things are happening and now here we are 2 years removed from January 2021 and having to remind and try to wake up sleepyheads.
The National Guard moved into the District of Columbia days before January 20, 2021.
The ONLY person who can Federalize the National Guard to Active-Duty is the 👉🏻 President.
10 United States Code 12406:
January 20, 2021:
There's only one Law and Order. Meaning, you cannot use Laws and Orders to fit a certain narrative. Democrats and Liberals are notorious for twisting, misconstruing, and butchering Laws and Orders, Founders, and their Quotes.
That's how they control people. Checkmate. They've got half of Americans stuck in a matrix and a web of false information.
Recently, Cheney and others proposed to evoke the 14th Amendment on CIC Trump to prevent him from running in 2024...
Even though I know it's a Military Operation and Continuity of Government and this too is one tiny, microscopic part of the plan... Oh the irony... How can Americans not see?
Joe Biden raised his right hand and swore in at 11:47 AM EST which is a violation of the 20th Amendment of the Constitution on January 20, 2021.
20th Amendment:
There's also two different versions of the "Inauguration" as multiple people have shown the videos of the clouds and skies filmed by notable networks.
Not to mention all of the jacked up uniform combinations that should leave every Veteran fuming. That whole day via Military Uniforms alone is what we call "all jacked up, you need to square yourself away soldier"...
It was a very visual atrocity on purpose to wake up Veterans. The uniform is sacred because our brothers and sisters lay their lives down in it.
America has too many "All Oorah and No Brains" Veterans. It must be said. 🤫
The Eisenhower 'Military Industrial Complex' did not just apply to Generals losing their sight of the climb to the top.
It's all service members losing sight of their purpose of service and duty to their Nation and the People.
The Information War can be solved by separating Laws and Orders of our Foundation and those that support the Constitution versus everything else.
It's then solved by learning those Laws and Orders of the great system we have. The Laws and Orders that support the Constitution aren't what's oppressed, suppressed, controlled, and divided us...
It's the Career Politicians who've twisted, butchered, and misconstrued the Laws, Orders, and History to a bunch of Americans who became soft, lazy, and spoiled, and stopped or never learned their Foundation, History, Laws and Orders that support the Constitution and "let Congress do what they're paid to do" or "that's out of my pay grade" and even worse "I'm a working Mom of 3 and don't have time to read all of this."
Then you have the Veterans who are "All Oorah" and don't have a single clue they served under a separate Law much less how to take all of the Laws and Orders from both sectors and piece those with Executive Orders, Codes, Statutes, Acts, mixed with Optics and Comms.
Basics. We must get back to the basics.
I've heard comments such as: "It's normal for a President to extend Executive Orders by the former President."
One, those people are too lazy to read and piece all of these together.
Two, that comment is like saying "my Dad was an Expert Shooter, so I am too."
Let's assume this person actually went out on the range and shot expert as well. Notice the terminology? "So I am too."
The 'so' would be an 'and' if already proven. With "so" - there's no proof.
IF "Biden" were actually President... Why wouldn't he have his own policies? You do realize that he's not once signed anything of his own.
Even if you didn't know what's going on via Military Operation and COG... DJT set the precedent of being the MOST transparent President in United States History on TV every single day signing a law or discussing policies, economy, infrastructure, trade, foreign policies, etc.
And do you also realize these "Executive Orders" he's been signing... One, this is a controlled Operation and this portion is controlled via 47 US Code 606 actually titled War Powers of the President... controls Media, TV, Internet, and closing of Government Facilities. Two, these are distractions which are all a requirement from a COG. And three, anyone can register a document with the Federal Register.
Proof of 47 US Code 606 in action? Remember the fences around the Capitol... that are still there? 47 US Code 606 - Closing of Government Facilities.
Why does "Biden's" "Press Secretary" and "Media" meet in a fake James S. Brady Press Room that was built to replicate the actual James S. Brady Press Room? That alone should tell you it's not on the same premises and you're watching a show. 🤦🏽
Biden has extended every single Executive Order with National Emergencies and CIC Trump’s Federalization of 1 million Reserves.
Executive Order 13818 was the first EO where CIC Trump declared a National Emergency for Human Rights Abuse.
And on December 12, 2022, ole "Biden" literally JUST extended it.
Executive Order 13818:
Executive Order 13818 Extension 2020:
Executive Order 13818 Extension 2021:
Executive Order 13818 Extension 2022:
National Emergency - September 12, 2018:
The MOST important Executive Order, but also piece of Legislation to date.
Executive Order 13848:
Executive Order 13848 Extension 2020:
Executive Order 13848 Extension 2021:
Executive Order 13848 Extension 2022:
Signed September 12, 2018. Two months before the 2018 Midterm.
The 2018 Midterm was the FIRST Election under DJT’s Visual Administration.
How did he know to sign an Executive Order declaring a National Emergency for Election Integrity two months before ANY Election under his Visual Presidency?
The EO specifically says: “ Although there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcome or vote tabulation in any United States election"...
Does not say no domestic. And voter tabulation cancels out voter fraud from the people and state perspective. In 'ANY' United States Election. Meaning all have been domestic from within.
Very KEY and Important 👆🏼
"Our gravest threats are not abroad, they're from within." - DJT, November 15, 2022.
“We have it all.”
“We’ve caught them all.” -DJT in 2020.
We = Military Intelligence.
The ONLY evidence of domestic voter fraud would have been 2016 and prior.
That along with the Military taking over with Article II of the Constitution, the Law of War Manual, the Military Justice Act of 2016, and the Federal Continuity Directives 1 & 2.
Then with those in place via Laws and Orders, the Military and World Generals as outlined in the Law of War Manual began their Strategic Operation doing so using Laws and Codes in place to destroy the Corporation aka the Swamp aka the festering rot of D.C. and implement a new system as outlined in the Declaration of Independence.
National Emergency - November 27, 2018
Executive Order 13851:
Executive Order 13851 Extension 2021:
Executive Order 13851 Extension 2022:
Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and President of the Senate:
National Emergency - May 15, 2019:
Executive Order 13873:
Executive Order 13873 Extension 2021:
Executive Order 13873 Extension 2022:
April 2020 Report of 13873:
Executive Order 13873 Extension 2021:
Executive Order 13873 Extension 2022:
Letter to Congress, 2022:
National Emergency July 26, 2019:
Executive Order 13882:
Executive Order 13882 Treasury:
Executive Order 13882 Extension 2021:
Executive Order 13882 Extension 2022:
Continuation 2022:
Letter to Congress 2022:
National Emergency October 14, 2019:
Executive Order 13894:
Executive Order 13894 Extension 2021:
Executive Order 13894 Extension 2022:
Letters to Speaker of the House of Representatives and President of Senate:
National Emergency July 14, 2020:
Executive Order 13936:
Treasury dot Gov 13936:
Executive Order 13936 Extension 2021:
Executive Order 13936 Extension 2022:
Letter to Congress 13936 2022:
And Donald John Trump's Federalizing of the 1 million National Guard to Active-Duty:
EO 13912 Extension 2021:
EO 13912 Extension 2022:
"Biden's" Letter to SOTH and Congress; September 2022:
And since the original Order specifies no more than 24 consecutive months; the extension makes that no more than 24 more consecutive months every time it's extended...
The extension means Donald John Trump's National Guard is on Active-Duty until mid 2024.
Oh the irony that's when the Federal Continuity Direct 2 is to be completed.
The only person who can terminate a National Emergency is the President.
50 United States Code 34:
Section 1622 specifically says:
Any national emergency declared by the President in accordance with this subchapter shall terminate if—
(1) there is enacted into law a joint resolution terminating the emergency; or
(2) the President issues a proclamation terminating the emergency.
There's been no joint resolution hence "Biden" extending all of those National Emergencies.
"Biden" cannot terminate the National Emergencies because he didn't declare them also hence why "he" extended those orders.
Saying "the Military" does not recognize "Biden" as President is even a waste of time and useless. No need to. This is a Military Operation and Continuation of Government all backed with Laws and Orders.
And yes, the Courts, Media, and Congress all "know" what's going on... hence why there's Laws, Orders, and Codes for every entity. They all have Laws and Codes that apply to them.
But just for the sake of those who are reading this for the first time, the Military does not recognize "Biden."
The Air Force and Space Force:
Ole Biden did NOT receive the traditional airlift into D.C. for the "Inauguration" on January 20, 2021...
The Space Force is a Department of the Air Force:
The Army and Navy transfers ALL communications to the Space Force:
August 2022:
September 2022:
And the Marines are a Department of the Navy.
Coast Guard and Navy
The Coast Guard provides law and maritime safety enforcement, marine and environmental protection and military naval support. Part of the Department of Homeland Security during peacetime, the Coast Guard operates under the Navy during times of war.
Coast Guard:
Hit that last line again: Part of the Department of Homeland Security during peacetime, the Coast Guard operates under the Navy during times of war.
Mobilizing the Coast Guard for War: An Analysis of the U.S. Coast Guard's Wartime Preparation Activities from 1918-1941:
Department of Defense 2021 Report:
The Report:
Notice China which is in the Indo-Pacific Command Region... where the Space Force just officially activated and assigned U.S. Space Forces to the Indo-Pacific Command:
Indo-Pacific Space Force Command:
Might help to see where the Indo-Pacific Region covers:
Department of Defense 2021 Onsite Report:
Secretary of Defense Actions to Address Findings and Recommendations:
Onsite Installation Evaluation Report:
There's two Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadrons from the United States Navy, from San Diego, California, stationed at Coast Guard Stations in Mobile, Alabama, and Miami, Florida since January 2021.
Amazing how timelines and timestamps are so precise and strategic.
Let's do the Military Math here:
The Department of Defense uses their new Law of War Manual.
The President is the only who can Federalize the National Guard to Active-Duty by Military Laws, Orders, and Regulations.
The Secretary of Defense is the Head of the Department of Defense, the executive department of the U.S. Armed Forces.
Forces = Plural = means ALL branches of Military.
Subject only to the orders of the president, the secretary of defense is in the chain of command and exercises command and control, for both operational and administrative purposes, over all service branches administered by the Department of Defense – the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Space Force – as well as the Coast Guard when its command and control is transferred to the Department of Defense.
When its command and control is transferred to the Department of Defense.
When does the Coast Guard transfer command and control to DoD? During times of war:
The Space Force is the 6th official Military Branch, established December 20, 2019, by Donald John Trump.
The Space Force is a Department of the Air Force.
The Air Force did not give "Biden" the traditional ride in AF1 on January 20, 2021.
The Coast Guard is a Department of Homeland Security during peacetime and operates under Navy during times of War with two Naval Units from San Diego at Coast Guard Stations in Mobile, Alabama and Miami, Florida since January 2021.
The Marines are a Department of the Navy.
The Army and Navy transferred ALL communications to the Space Force under ONE command in August 22.
Every single News Article of the National Guard deploying does NOT mention “Biden.” Only Generals and Commanders.
That's ALL Branches of the Military not recognizing "Biden" and all Branches Communications under the Space Force created by Donald John Trump who Federalized the National Guard to Active-Duty in which ALL of his Executive Orders with National Emergencies have been extended in which only HE can terminate and address the Nation by LAW.
Who's the ONE command? The Space Force.
So, who's the Commander?
Who created the Space Force? 😎🍑
Enjoy the rest of the storm. It's a beaut. 🇺🇸
PS: Be sure to let a troll or negative nancy know… there ain’t a THING they can say or do to stop this 💯🤐🤣
If he could get past his feeling for such distane of people that were never taught that in school--and he would have never has that stuffed down his throat and change his attitude--does he think he's back serving-that he gets to scram in videos--if he could change all highly think that won't happen--he could actually help people learn.
Who are the "Biden" Generals, and what forces (and equipment and how many) do they command?