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COVID-19 patients should know they have the right to REFUSE treatment with Remdesivir

December 18, 2021

(Natural News) Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) patients have the right to refuse treatment with remdesivir, the right to refuse to be put on a ventilator and the right to not get injected with the experimental and deadly COVID-19 vaccine without their express approval.

Physician, chiropractor, author and host of “The Dr. Ardis Show” on Brighteon.TV Dr. Bryan Ardis spoke with journalist James White of the Montana Gazette Radio to talk about the right of COVID-19 patients to refuse certain treatments.

“People just don’t understand this. If they’ve seen my interviews and they’ve seen my engagements, you should know that hospital protocols in America right now are set up to be murdering institutions,” said Ardis. “If you don’t go in with documentation that holds legal recourse against them using those protocols, you are not safe.”

Ardis pointed out how important it is to put in writing that COVID-19 patients can refuse to be treated with the toxic drug remdesivir. They can also refuse to be put on a ventilator under any situation or circumstance.

The doctor further warned listeners against signing hospital intake forms without giving them a thorough read or without consulting with their attorney. Some intake forms might have language in there that allows healthcare workers in the hospital to give patients the COVID-19 vaccine without the verbal consent of the patients.

This is why Ardis believes it is very important for people to have the right legal forms with them that they can use to prevent being abused by hospitals.

“If there comes a moment where there’s an emergency and you feel like you need to go to the hospital, you need to be able to have those forms ready to go with you to protect your life,” said Ardis.

COVID-19 patients can insist they be treated with ivermectin

Not only do coronavirus patients in hospitals have the right to refuse certain kind of treatments and medical interventions, but they can also choose what kind of treatments they want. (Related: Anthony Fauci SUPPRESSED effective treatments against COVID-19 to benefit Big Pharma – Brighteon.TV.)

In a recent case, Fauquier Health in Warrenton, Virginia refused to let a COVID-19 patient be treated with ivermectin.

Kathy Davies, a Catholic wife, mother of five and grandmother to 10 kids, had been receiving treatment for COVID-19 at Fauquier Health for several months when the family wanted the hospital to try ivermectin.

Fauquier Health refused to allow this, and Davies’ family took the hospital to court. The hospital put the family through a series of legal obstacles designed to block the ivermectin from being given to Davies.

But on Monday, Dec. 13, Virginia’s 20th Judicial Court found Fauquier Health in contempt of court for refusing to comply with previous orders that ruled Davies must be given ivermectin doses as prescribed by the family’s doctor.

If the hospital agreed to allow the treatment with ivermectin, all charges brought against it will be dropped. But if the hospital refused to comply, it would be fined $10,000 per day, retroactive from Dec. 9 onwards.

Rather than deal with the fines that come with refusing a court order, Fauquier Health retracted all of its objections and allowed the family’s doctor to give Davies ivermectin. She received her first dose of ivermectin on Dec. 13.

“Kathy’s just started on her ivermectin last night, and that’s by the power of prayer,” said a friend of the family interviewed by Life Site News.

“The Davies’ story offers hope for legal respite for many families who have found themselves in similar situations while trying to battle a medical establishment arguably opposed to any treatment not supported by the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] to fight COVID-19,” wrote Tim Meads for the Daily Wire.

“The victory underscores the value of taking legal action to defend medical freedoms, and may serve as a warning to other hospitals that attempt to deprive patients of their rights,” wrote Ashley Sadler for Life Site News.

Fauquier Health responded to the legal order with a statement claiming that its top priority remains “to provide safe, high-quality care to the patients we serve,” and that its main objection to the ivermectin use is that it was not prescribed by a doctor working in the hospital.

During his interview with the Montana Gazette Radio, Ardis walked White through the proper steps to avail of the legal forms that can force hospitals to not give patients medication and medical interventions that they do not want. This includes refusing the COVID-19 vaccine. Watch the full clip here:

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