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🦠 Coronavirus Outbreak On Carnival Vista Despite Carrying 100% Vaccinated Staff And Guests

Coronavirus mainstream narrative took a back foot when the virus broke out in a ship carrying vaccinated staff and guests. The Carnival Vista departed from Galveston Texas on July 31 and is continuing the journey despite the outbreak.

The Eazy Cadet tweeted about the Carnival Cruise Line’s decision of not halting the journey and not revealing the number of guests infected. According to the company, “only a small number of people have been infected and they are duly under quarantine.” However, the ship has a capacity of 4000 people and owing to the capacity, “a small number” could mean anything between a few hundred and a thousand. Furthermore, the crew said, “We have implemented our new fleetwide mask policy early on Carnival Vista, given that we are managing a small number of positive cases on board.”

Despite the surge in the outbreak, the cruise will continue faring across the seas with fully vaccinated people with an added pre-cruise testing requirement before boarding.

But how did the outbreak occur on the Carnival cruise?

The mainstream media says that fully vaccinated people typically get COVID from unvaccinated people. So, does this mean there are still some loopholes left to consider?


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