The decline of CNN continues.

CNN’s top-rated show, Cuomo Prime Time, was not even able to crack the top 20 in ratings.
14 Fox shows and 7 MSNBC shows all had higher ratings than CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time.
The Nielsen ratings for the second quarter of the year are in, and the message seems to be: If Fox News has a show on the air, viewers would rather watch it than anything on CNN.
CNN, whose year-on-year total day ratings increased 63% in the first quarter of 2021, fell to earth over the last three months.
CNN’s top-rated show, “Cuomo Prime Time,” finished 22nd in cable news, behind 14 Fox News shows and seven broadcast on MSNBC.
In May, CNN’s primetime audience dropped 45%.
Among the key demographic CNN lost 53% of their primetime audience.
Far-left CNN, a fake news outlet that spreads conspiracy theories and encourages violence against conservatives, lost nearly half of its already anemic primetime audience last month.
Compared to May of 2020, CNNLOL’s primetime audience collapsed by a whopping 45 percent. The loss was just as acute in total day viewers, 44 percent.
In the 25-54 age demo, when compared to last year, CNNLOL lost 53 percent of that crowd during its failed primetime lineup and 50 percent during the total day.