November 5, 2022
by Vish Burra | The National Pulse

In the wake of Sunday’s presidential run off in Brazil, the contest between former President of Brazil Lula and current President of Brazil – the wildly popular Jair Bolsonaro – has been upended by massive protests and unrest as the tabulation of the results currently show Lula leading Bolsonaro by hair under two percentage points.
This mass civil unrest has been in the making, arguably since the day Bolsonaro announced his candidacy in 2016, and definitely since he won the presidency in 2018.
The globalist/Marxist resistance to Bolsonaro’s presence at the highest level of Brazilian politics has been unflinching and unrelenting, mostly directed by the hopelessly corrupt Supreme Court of Brazil. At every turn, Bolsonaro has faced stonewall opposition to his attempted service towards the citizens of Brazil. Now, with the endless questions about the electoral integrity of the runoff results in this most recent election – in a country notorious for fraudulent elections in the first place – Bolsonaro’s supporters have decided to take matters into their own hands. They are hoping their mass uprisings across the country will energize Bolsonaro to take control of the increasingly deteriorating situation.
On Monday evening, I started to receive footage and reports from contacts in Brazil about the situation, with claims that real news was being actively buried by their media. Some went as far as to say that the protests and unrests were “fake”. The footage I began publishing to my Twitter feed – now risibly tagged with a “Misleading” label – was aimed at eliminating this notion.
The footage starts with a Brazilian gentleman stating, in Portuguese, that truck drivers had commenced major protests, and that the some Brazilian military officers and units had begun to join them. Reports circulated, alleging that Federal SWAT Police (National Force), São Paolo Civilian Police, National Road Police, and Military Police had started joining the protesters and providing logistical and operational support for them.
We then began to hear that pro-Bolsonaro protesters were blocking the roads to São Paolo International Airport, as well as other major routes. Truck drivers, construction workers, and farmers got in on the protests too, using their equipment to blockade roads to airports and also key roads that carried food from the Brazilian agricultural heartland to major metropolitan centers in São Paolo and Rio de Janeiro. The activity taken holistically with the military and police actions above can be interpreted as nothing short of a working-class rebellion against questionable results being “given” to the citizens of Brazil.
This energetic series of events raises the question: what is the intended result of these uprisings?
The answer is a lot simpler than one might think: The pro-Bolsonaro protesters coordinated the protests and uprisings to convince the military to join them in contesting the results of the questionable election with its demonstrable irregularities. They hope that by coordinating mass demonstration, they can enlist local police support, and leverage that to signal to the military that they need to support Bolsonaro. This, in turn, would embolden Bolsonaro himself. It is important to note that there are virtually no mechanisms to audit or recount election results in Brazil (except if the challenge is brought by a supermajority of the Brazilian Senate, which Bolsonaro is poised to have in January should he successfully contest the results of this election). Protestors feel military support for any action contesting the election results is, therefore, key.
The people hoping the Brazilian military would read the signal have been served with their first major roadblock: Bolsonaro, without saying he’s conceding or accepting the tabulated results of the election, promised to “do what is lawful”, having no means to stop the Lula team from filing the transfer documentation required to begin the transition to the Lula presidency.
Sources on the ground suggest the pro-Bolsonaro protests failed to muster up the support needed to enlist the top brass so far, with reasons two-fold:
The military brass is not concerned about Bolsonaro, the citizens of Brazil, or anything beyond their pensions;
The corrupt Supreme Court is likely to pursue challengers. Lula’s previous administration was notorious jailing geriatric military leaders at the time under the guise of “human rights violations”.
In the case that the military brass did secure such guarantees – as all political maneuvering is intended to do – they may alert Bolsonaro that he does not have their support to contest the results, and that Bolsonaro’s best bet is to begin the transfer of government. Such a move would be a monumental setback for the burgeoning nationalist populist movements worldwide.
This is probably the toughest problem Bolsonaro faces, though some still hold on to hope.
Bolsonaro recently said the protests are legitimate, and this legitimization allows demonstrators to continue and intensifying their work, even as the Lula clique tries to weasel its way into transition.
If Lula re-assumes the Presidency, his first likely orders of business will be to bless an already runaway judiciary to come completely off the chain and start the political persecution of the pro-Bolsonaro groups: including truck drivers, farmers, construction workers, police, and military personnel. This is the first domino. The weaponized judiciary of Brazil will persecute congressmen, senators, ministers, and inevitably Bolsonaro himself. The regime must reclaim its legislative and bureaucratic apparatus in the wake of an otherwise successful election for Bolsonaro’s party and ruling coalition.
The only thing standing in its way? Ordinary, patriotic Brazilians.