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🚨🎥 BREAKING: FDA Failed to Disclose Heart Damage to Teens When Approving Pfizer Vaccine - War Room

Published April 7, 2022 at 12:29pm

The FDA failed to mention heart damage to teens when approving the Pfizer experimental COVID vaccines.

Daniel Horowitz at The Blaze reported:

When it became apparent to the public earlier in 2021 that myocarditis was a known side effect of the shots, the government and the media immediately claimed the incidence rate was exceedingly low. Numerous “studies” tried to downplay the risks. One paper from Kaiser Permanente in JAMA suggested the rate was just 6.6 per million. Another JAMA study from last June found a 1 in 50,000 rate among the military (which we now know was woefully underreported). Well, thanks to ICAN’s FOIA, we now have the Pfizer informed consent document (p. 5) that shows the company recognized the risk can be as high as 1 in 1,000.
So, all of these stories suggesting that young males were more at risk for myocarditis from the virus than from the shots were bogus, and Pfizer knew it. And again, if this is the degree the company is willing to concede, imagine what the true incidence rate is.
Also, what is the degree of subclinical myocarditis? If we know about this many cases shortly after the injection, who’s to say there isn’t another cohort of people with heart damage that has remained subclinical so far but could come to fruition several months later? Remember, with many fewer vaccines administered in 2022, the rate of myocarditis reports to VAERS is averaging 245% higher than last year.

Former Bill Clinton adviser Naomi Wolf went on The War Room today with Steve Bannon and discussed this shocking and likely criminal development.


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