July 20, 2022

Contents from Hunter Biden’s iCloud were released recently on the Internet exposing all kinds of depravity involving drugs, hookers, and inappropriate behavior involving minors. Sadly, news of this kind of deviant behavior from the First Son is nothing new; however, this data dump comes as Hunter is potentially facing criminal charges for federal prostitution offenses. Hunter’s father, President Joe Biden, could potentially be implicated as well. They say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and this certainly seems to be the case with Joe and his son. The level of depravity that goes on with the Biden family is the kind of stuff you’d expect to see from a trashy trailer park family featured on The Jerry Springer Show. Instead, it’s coming from a family with the patriarch residing in the White House. When you look back at Joe and Hunter’s history of perverted misconduct, some of the immoral actions the Biden Administration has taken, specifically in regards to certain appointments and policies with the border enabling trafficking, start to make sense.
The contents from Hunter’s iCloud were leaked via hackers to 4chan revealing more sordid behavior that you’d expect to see in a triple X version of The Hangover movie. I haven’t gone on 4chan to look at the Hunter leak, and I strongly advise against this since some of the contents may contain photos or videos that are illegal. However, others have reported what was released. There are multiple reports – including from Tucker Carlson – that Hunter had his father’s phone number saved as “Pedo Peter”. Some researchers dispute that it was Joe’s number saved as Pedo Peter and insist the phone number belonged to a different family member. However, National Pulse did report in 2020 that Joe Biden has used the pseudonym “Peter Henderson” for an e-mail account. Regardless if Hunter does refer to his dad as Pedo Peter or not, the new nickname for Joe has stuck and it’s gone viral. Needless to say, Pedo Peter is quite fitting because the president does have a long dark history of predatory behavior toward women and children. So let’s take a look at Joe’s pervy behavior over the years before we dive deeper into Hunter’s sinful lifestyle.

For years, videos have circulated all over social media of Joe inappropriately touching women and children. In some instances, Joe flat out gropes children. For example, a video of Joe fondling the breast of Senator Steve Daines’ 8-year-old niece on C-SPAN during his swearing-in ceremony went viral in 2015. Six years later, Joe’s victim, Maria Piacesi, spoke out publicly and confirmed Joe pinched her nipple, according to the Gateway Pundit. Another old video shows Jeff Sessions swatting Joe’s hand away as he reached to touch his granddaughter. The media has overwhelming remained silent on this; however, Gawker did do a piece detailing Joe’s creepy trend of groping women and children in 2015. This predatory behavior has continued since Joe became president.

Tara Reade, a former aide of Biden when he served in the Senate, accused Joe of sexually assaulting her in 1993. She claims that he pushed her up against a wall in a corridor in a Senate office building and assaulted her by penetrating her with his fingers, The Guardian reported. Biden has denied these claims.
In a book titled The First Family, it was revealed that during his terms serving as vice president, Joe made female Secret Service agents uncomfortable by swimming in the pool naked in front of them. “Agents say that, whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude,” author Ronald Kessler wrote according to U.S. News. “Female Secret Service agents find that offensive.”
Joe’s daughter, Ashley Biden, wrote in her diary that Joe took inappropriate showers with her when she was a child. “I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/my dad (probably not appropriate),” she wrote in an entry dated in July of 2019. She also speculates in her diary that showering with her father may have contributed to her sex addiction. Most media has remained silent on this, but Carlson said on his Fox News show earlier this year that this should warrant a police investigation for potential child molestation. The Daily Mail highlighted Carlson’s report with an old photo of Biden ogling a little girl.

In 2019, former Nevada politician Lucy Flores published an essay detailing how Joe made her feel “gross” after he grabbed her by the shoulders from behind and kissed her hair during a campaign event she held in 2014. In February of 2020, Joe kissed his then 19-year-old granddaughter on the lips at a campaign event at Clarke University in Dubuque, Iowa. The photo quickly went viral on social media and sparked outrage from the public. Sadly, this wasn’t the only time Joe kissed his granddaughter like that.

In 2019, a video of Joe talking about kids rubbing his hairy legs in a pool and how he loves kids jumping on his lap went viral. “I got hairy legs that turned…blonde in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach into the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and watch the hair come back up again,” Joe said at a speech he gave in 2017 in Wilmington, Delaware. He continued, “So I learned about roaches. I learned about kids jumping on my lap, and I loved kids jumping on my lap.”
A lot of people laughed off these strange remarks at the time; however, now knowing what we know about Joe, these remarks are a whole new level of creepy.
Circling back to Hunter’s depravity, Rudy Giuliani revealed in 2020 that there were sexually explicit materials involving underage girls found on Hunter’s infamous Laptop From Hell. “There’s a text message to [Hunter’s] father in which he says the following, and he’s discussing his sister-in-law, who, for quite some time, was his lover,” Giuliani said in an interview with Newsmax. “He says, ‘She told my therapist that I was sexually inappropriate.’ This would be with an unnamed 14-year-old girl.”
Giuliani said the text messages continue to state that Hunter’s sister-in-law said he was “sexually inappropriate with [redacted] when she says that I face time [sic] naked with her and the reason I cant have her out to see me is because I walk around naked smoking crack.”
Giuliani said the laptop included numerous pictures of underage girls, and all the content was handed over to the FBI. Revolver reported that the majority of the images on the laptop are of the same underage girl, and she’s photographed topless and in suggestive positions with Hunter.
Researchers have claimed that the new dump from 4chan also contains inappropriate material of children, and that Hunter allegedly searched for child porn. Also, there’s speculation and rumors swirling of even darker depravity involving possible incest between Hunter and an underage female family member. There are claims that several of the sexually explicit photographs found on Hunter’s laptop are of that family young member. The mainstream media barely touched this story. In 2020, you’d have to fly across the globe to find a story on Hunter and child porn in a newspaper as it was reported in Australia’s Daily Telegraph.

In 2020, a report released by the Senate Republicans stated that Hunter sent thousands of dollars to sex workers, according to the New York Post. The report cited that Hunter sent funds to “non-resident alien women in the United States who are citizens of Russia and Ukraine and who have subsequently wired funds they have received from Hunter Biden to individuals located in Russia and Ukraine.” The report stated that these transactions are linked to what “appears to be an Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring.”
On July 6, the Hunter horror show continued with The Sun releasing a disturbing video courtesy of the Marco Polo organization of the First Son naked appearing to smoke crack and fondle himself in a float tank. Last week, the Daily Mail reported that prosecutors have a case for federal prostitution offenses against Hunter based off records showing he spent $30,000 on escorts in a five-month period. A Suspicious Activity Report was filed after Hunter wrote checks from his company worth tens of thousands of dollars to a Ukrainian woman for sex. Some of the hookers received payments from Hunter after he received money from his father; thus, possibly implicating Joe as well in this potential crime. Furthermore, photos and videos show Hunter transporting prostitutes over state lines for another night of debauchery. The act of transporting prostitutes across state lines for sex could be a violation of federal prostitution laws specifically the Mann Act. In addition to this, the Daily Mail also reports that Hunter is currently the subject of a federal investigation examining potential tax crimes, money laundering and alleged illegal foreign lobbying tied to his overseas business dealings.
Now that you know the sordid history of Hunter and Joe’s perverse behavior, it’s easier to understand why some of the president’s administration policy decisions were made. For instance, Biden’s new Supreme Court Justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson, has an 8-year record of granting excessively lenient sentences in at least 8 of 8 child porn cases, according to Article 3 Project President and Founder Mike Davis. Jackson was lenient toward pedophiles in 100% of her child porn cases. Davis also reported she ruled against the sentencing guidelines in these cases, and some of those predators went on to reoffend after they were released. One has to wonder if Hunter’s proclivity for child porn influenced his father’s decision to nominate a judge who has been soft on child predators.
It’s also noteworthy that Biden’s other son, Beau Biden, was lenient on pedophiles as well during his time as attorney general in Delaware. In 2014, Beau cut an outrageous plea deal with Dupont heir, Robert H. Richards, by giving him only house arrest after he shockingly admitted to raping his 3-year-old daughter, according to the Killing My Career blog. Richards allegedly went on to re-offend by molesting his young son.
A few days ago news broke that a high- level U.S. Postal Service official appointed by Biden was busted during a child sex sting, according to the National Pulse. In a video from the operation, Russell Rappel-Schmid, the Chief Data Officer for the U.S. Postal Regulatory Commission blatantly stated: “I’m a pedophile”. Rappel-Schmid was busted trying to meet up with a 14-year-old boy for sex in San Diego. He’s since been fired.
Two months into Biden’s presidency, human trafficking and smuggling increased at the border.
Mexico officials said that Biden’s asylum policies are increasing illegal immigration and creating business for organized crime, Reuters reported in 2021. Detentions at the U.S border skyrocketed immediately after Biden took office. “They see him as the migrant president, and so many feel they’re going to reach the United States,” Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said in March of 2021.
Former Trump advisor Steven Miller stated in an interview with Newsmax that in 2020 President Trump had in place a series of domestic reforms and interlocking agreements that allowed the U.S. to deport any illegal alien from any country at any time including Remain in Mexico, safe third agreements, asylum bars, and Title 44. “Joe Biden set about dismantling each and every one of these policies that sealed the border and kept us safe for the sole purpose of aiding and abetting the largest wave of illegal immigration in human history,” Miller said. “It is actually the case that Joe Biden is complicit with global smuggling and global trafficking on the largest scale in human history.”
Not only is Biden’s weak stance at the border allowing human trafficking to flourish, it’s also allowed child sex predators to enter the country and harm children. Biden’s administration enabling child trafficking should come as no surprise though. When Biden served as vice president under President Barack Obama, their administration made children who came across the border vulnerable to traffickers and child abusers. In 2016 the Washington Times reported: “The Obama Administration failed to protect thousands of Central American children who have flooded across the border since 2011, leaving them vulnerable to traffickers and abuses at the hand of the government-approved caretakers, a Senate investigation has found.”
Finally, it should be noted that Joe Biden’s brother, James Biden, bought an acre of land on Water Island in the Virgin Islands in 2005 for $150,000. In 2020, Politico reported that James divided the land into three parcels and sold one of the parcels for what the entire cost of the property had been to a lobbyist close to Joe named Scott Green. Politico questioned whether the dramatically higher price Green paid for the parcel reflected its true value. What’s more curious, Water Island is only a few miles away from the late Jeffrey Epstein’s island, Little St. James, where he and others raped, abused and trafficked women and minors for years. Coincidence?
In 2016, Joe got a standing ovation from the Pedowood elites at the Oscars when he spoke out against sexual assault during an introduction for Lady Gaga. He stated: “Take the pledge, a pledge that says that I will intervene in situations where consent has not or cannot be given. Let’s change the culture.” This is a stunning statement coming from someone who has been well documented publicly groping women and children without their consent for years. It’s long overdue for law enforcement to intervene and hold Joe and his son accountable for their potential involvement with crimes against children. And there’s one thing Joe and most of us can agree on, it is time to change the culture.
SOURCE: Liz Crokin Report on SubStack